Porcelain Veneers Maple Ridge
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Porcelain Veneers Maple Ridge
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Improve your Smile with Porcelain Veneers Maple Ridge!
Are you looking to improve your smile? Or fix your broken teeth and cavities? If yes, visit PoCo Dental Group for porcelain veneers in Maple Ridge. Give our team a call today to schedule an appointment. Our experienced dentists will provide expert advice and offer you the best course of action for any dental issue.
What Are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain Veneers are thin shells made up of resin or porcelain fixed to the front part of your teeth. Unlike composite resin veneers, porcelain veneers are highly durable; they do not discolor or stain. Before we remove a thin layer of enamel from your teeth to make room for your veneers, we will administer you with a local freezing anesthetic. After that, we will take a mold of your teeth to create custom porcelain veneers. Until the mold is ready, we will buy primobolan depot attach a temporary veneer. Because the temporary veneer is gentle, it must be treated with care. It may take up to two appointments with us for the procedure to be completed.
In your final visit to us, we will remove the temporary veneers and apply a mild chemical to your teeth to make it rough for the porcelain veneers to stick. Using resin cement, we will carefully glue the veneers one by one to your teeth. For further details about Porcelain Veneers Maple Ridge, contact our team today.
Suitable Candidate for Porcelain Veneers
People with discolored teeth
People with a gap in their tooth
People suffering from any other periodontal diseases
People with twisted teeth
People suffering from tooth decay
People with crooked and cracked teeth
Book your initial consultation today
The Complete Process:
Your Initial Visit:
When you visit our dental clinic, we will examine the patient’s x-rays and impressions to ensure they are suitable for porcelain veneers. Our friendly dentist has the patience to sit down with you and understand why each patient is looking to get veneers. After consultation, we will take a set of images and create a mock-up to give the patient an idea of the final result. We pride ourselves on making sure our patients receive the best care and are satisfied with their results.
Procedure: On the day of the procedure, we will remove a tiny amount of enamel from each tooth to create space for the veneer, which does not hinder the patient’s bite. A mold made of putty is formed of the teeth, that the thin layer of enamel is removed. Once the mold gets hardened, we will send it to the lab to create the permanent veneers. In the meantime, a temporary veneer is attached to your teeth till the permanent ones are ready. Once the permanent veneers arrive, they are fused to the patient’s teeth in a matter of minutes.
The Recovery Process:
There is hardly any recovery time after getting your porcelain veneers. It is the stress-free part of the process. At the most, you might experience slight sensitivity when consuming hot and cold food because of the removed enamel beneath the veneers. Apart from that, you are ready to get out there and flash your new pearly whites to your friends, family, and colleagues. Porcelain veneers are very durable and are known to last for a minimum of ten years, and in some cases, much longer. Contact Poco Dental today to get Porcelain Veneers Maple Ridge!